3 Tips For High Schoolers Considering A Gap Year


Taking a gap year between high school and college has become increasingly popular and has many benefits for teens. Instead of going straight from high school to college, many teenagers take a year off from formal education to travel or volunteer. In some cases, you can actually earn college credit during this time, meaning you will still graduate from college in the same amount of time you would have. Here are three tips for considering a gap year:

20 May 2021

What To Look For In An Academic Summer Program


There are numerous ways to spend your summer, including hitting the beach, visiting friends, and binge-watching your favorite television shows. While all these are great ideas, have you considered something that will add real value to your life, like enrolling in summer programs? As a young person in high school with grand ambitions and dreams, it wouldn't hurt to sign up for summer programs. Summer programs offer lessons in various fields, including creative writing, foreign languages, drama, and many more.

22 February 2021