4 Ways To Help Your Child Adjust To Boarding School


Adjusting to boarding school can be difficult for most students. Many students suffer from homesickness, which could ultimately lead to problems with focusing in school. As a parent, there are things you can do to help your child cope with the experience and adjust faster.  Avoid Constant Calls Although you miss your child and he or she misses you, allowing him or her to call you constantly can actually do more harm than good.

9 May 2016

Is Public Or Private School Best For Your Children?


As a parent, it's up to you to decide whether public or private school is the best option for your children. Unfortunately, there isn't such a thing as a one-size-fits-all education. People learn at different paces and in different ways, so it can be difficult for parents to determine what type of education will work best for their children's learning style. Fortunately, there isn't a right or wrong answer. However, you do need to weigh all of your options so that you can make an informed decision.

22 February 2016

Is Private School Worth The Cost?


Parents want the best education possible for their children, and for those able to pay the tuition, private education promises to provide that experience. You may wonder if private schools live up to these promises. Is private school worth the cost? Tuition The average tuition for a private, non-sectarian high school is $27,302 per year. Catholic high schools have an average price tag of $7,826 while other religious high schools cost $10,493 annually.

19 October 2015

Racism In Private Schools And What's Being Done To Stop It


Private schools serve as an alternative to public education that gives you the opportunity to steer your children into learning avenues appropriate for their interests and beliefs. However, you may have heard rumors about racist attitudes at these schools. Unfortunately, some private schools have spotty records regarding racism, but there's a major push across the country to eliminate these problematic attitudes and beliefs. Is There a History of Racism in Private Schools?

27 February 2015